On October 26th we say goodbye to all of you
Calle Códols 18, 08002, Barcelona How to get there?
Some tattoo inks, if not most, have among their components bone char or glycerin of animal origin. So, why vegan ink? Out of respect, ethics, love, equality ... because we do not believe that any animal has to die to make an ink and because suffering and death, not allowed, can never be turned into art. Because we feel that each life is valuable.
Once the piercing or tattoo is finished, the cutting material (needles) is thrown into the specific container, the disposable material is thrown away, and the material to be sterilized is placed in a closed container, which is in the work area, with an enzyme inside (DENTO-VIRACTIS 55). This container with material to sterilize each morning is transported to the sterilization room where it is emptied and the material placed in another container with a 2% glutaraldeido solution (DENTASEPT ULTRA) where it is left for 2 hours. After this time the material is placed in another container with distilled water to rinse it. It is transferred to ultrasound, then dried and bagged piece by piece individually. Once in their bags, the pieces are placed in the class B autoclave. Once the autoclave cycle is completed, the date is placed in each bag and stored in the work area in drawers protected from light.
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